Gallery Exhibits


Date: September 5th - September 29th
Location: Levy Gallery, New Hampshire Art Association
Featured Paintings: Cosmic Transformation, Owl by Moonlight

To view and purchase artwork in this exhibit please visit their online gallery Cosmic Transformation by Alisa Marie — New Hampshire Art Association (

Owl by Moonlight by Alisa Marie — New Hampshire Art Association (

Full Circle, The Speed of Light

Date: September 9th - September 27th
Location: Mosiac Art Collective, Manchester, NH
Featured Paintings: Happy Day 

To view and purchase artwork in this exhibit please visit Happy Day - Mosaic Art Collective

Learn more about my artistic journey by visiting my CV page for a history of past exhibits. Alisa Marie CV – Alisa's True Colors Designs (

I look forward to sharing my latest paintings with you and hope to see you at the exhibits!